Working Toward Complete

The projects below are currently under development by the U.S. National Grid Institute.


Annual Report to the Nation

This project will commence issuance of an annual report to Congress and the American people which evaluates USNG implementation efforts by federal, state, local and tribal governments.


USNG ELM Standards and Installation Guide

This project will provide the long awaited 5.0 release of standards of production and information on installation of Emergency Location Markers (ELM) based on the USNG.  This is a complete rewrite of information first made available in 2012.


USNG Map and Mapbook Uploader

This project will allow geospatial professionals to provide a hosting URL for locally created USNG maps or mapbooks.  These products will then be shown as available resources on a national  download map.


USNGI Regional Reps

This project will identify by FEMA Region a USNGI representative who will serve as the USNGI's  "Regional Represenative" for outreach and organizing efforts. Version 2.0

This project will provide the long-awaited 2.0 release of the granddaddy of all USNG based apps -  Among severl new features, 2.0 shows current location on a map and provides azimuth and direction to another USNG coordinate.