Telling the Story

Find here some examples of U.S. National Grid promotional items.

USNG Implementation Guide
Prepared by a team of nationwide experts on the USNG, this document sponsored by the National Alliance for Public Safety GIS (NAPSG) serves as a practical guide for addressing implementation of the USNG.

USNG Informational Trifold
A product of the U.S. National Grid Institute released on September 7, 2024, this brochure may be downloaded and locally printed to provide an easy way for individuals to learn the basics of the USNG.

USNG Coffee Break Training Item
Sponsored by the U.S. Fire Administration, this item serves as an example of how a brochure can be crafted so that it delivers both awareness and training about the USNG. Often referred to as "Coffee Break" training in the Firefighter community, this approach holds merit in all parts of the ESS.
Display Items

USNG Informational Backdrop
This conference outreach back drop is 8x8 and comes with a self-supporting collapsible framework. Artwork file for production is in .ai format and is nearly 400 Mb. Send a note to to obtain production file. Nimlock Minnesota printed the actual backdrop and installed it on the lightweight frame. When collapsed, this display fits inside a hard side case provided with backdrop.

USNG Information Poster
Produced by the Center for Interdisciplinary Geospatial Information Technologies, Delta State University, this is an example of an informational poster as displayed at the 2015 ESRI User Conference.